Mid Ohio National & Restricted Regional

Remember, Jay's car has 600,000+ miles on it. No hitting it please!:D LOL:eclipsee_steering:

Racing miles? :eek:

When a racing car's been around for so long and done very well it becomes like a museum piece--no one wants to hit it. Kinda reminds me of a certain hockey player who was the only one not to be checked in the latter part of his career. His name is Wayne Gretzky, and no wonder he scored something like 871,000 goals! :D
Racing miles? :eek:

When a racing car's been around for so long and done very well it becomes like a museum piece--no one wants to hit it. Kinda reminds me of a certain hockey player who was the only one not to be checked in the latter part of his career. His name is Wayne Gretzky, and no wonder he scored something like 871,000 goals! :D

Chris - its an inside joke. I guess Jay's brother drove the car back in the day. and when it hit 100,000 miles the odometer went in 10,000 mile incriments LOL. haha.
I couldnt believe it either when i saw it LOL
Chris - its an inside joke.

Of course. But even IF it did have 600K miles, it wouldn't have an original part left on it. So much for the museum piece thing! :D

Hey Greg...I guess I'll be bumping into ya at Steel Cities next weekend. They have the ITR cars grouped with the ITAs. Should be interesting mix with the ITE and ITS cars also included. (As I understand, Dr. Dan will have his balls-out 500hp ITE Firebird on track with us. Should be a scream racing with him in such tight quarters!)
Chris - its an inside joke. I guess Jay's brother drove the car back in the day. and when it hit 100,000 miles the odometer went in 10,000 mile incriments LOL. haha.
I couldnt believe it either when i saw it LOL

It went by 10 mile increments.
Of course. But even IF it did have 600K miles, it wouldn't have an original part left on it. So much for the museum piece thing! :D

Hey Greg...I guess I'll be bumping into ya at Steel Cities next weekend. They have the ITR cars grouped with the ITAs. Should be interesting mix with the ITE and ITS cars also included. (As I understand, Dr. Dan will have his balls-out 500hp ITE Firebird on track with us. Should be a scream racing with him in such tight quarters!)

Ahh crap. 23 lap races on Saturday. So he'll only lap us...what...maybe 13 times. HAHAH.
I cant wait to run Beaverun. And Dr. Dan is awesome so we can all hang out in-between sessions or whatnot
Lets go racing!!

Ugh, is it time to race yet? The work week just seems to drag on and on and on.
This whole racing thing seems to be a double-edged sword in regards to work; on one hand I can't focus at work because all I'm thinking about is racing, but on the other hand I now find myself actively and continually looking for work (I'm a self-employed animation/design consultant) so that I can continue to afford to race.

I think I'm officially an addict. :blink:
Ugh, is it time to race yet? The work week just seems to drag on and on and on.
This whole racing thing seems to be a double-edged sword in regards to work; on one hand I can't focus at work because all I'm thinking about is racing, but on the other hand I now find myself actively and continually looking for work (I'm a self-employed animation/design consultant) so that I can continue to afford to race.

I think I'm officially an addict. :blink:

same here man. I always want to go racing also but find myself always on a slim budget. (who doesnt??):shrug:

And ofcourse the work week always drags on...especially like this past Monday (Memorial day) usually there are 5 days to get work done, but now there are only 4 days this week to get 5 days worth of work done.:blink:

but we all gotta keep our jobs if we want to play on the weekends...:eclipsee_steering:
Ugh, is it time to race yet? The work week just seems to drag on and on and on.
This whole racing thing seems to be a double-edged sword in regards to work; on one hand I can't focus at work because all I'm thinking about is racing, but on the other hand I now find myself actively and continually looking for work (I'm a self-employed animation/design consultant) so that I can continue to afford to race.

I think I'm officially an addict. :blink:

Welcome to the addiction! There is no known cure. I find that when I'm in the car whatever that may be going wrong in my life is merely forgotten. :eclipsee_steering: I'm living the moment and nothing else matters.
ahh 10.....10,000 same thing LOL NOT!
hey jay, you coming up to Beaverun to play?
No Beaverun for me. the house chores have been neglected for too long. Now it's time to dump cash into the other money pit. Anyone know of a 4 car garaged condo anywhere? Plus, I have a bachelor party to attend. I'll see you at the end of June at NL.
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No Beaverun for me. the house chores have been neglected for too long. Now it's time to dump cash into the other money pit. Anyone know of a 4 car garaged condo anywhere? Plus, I have a bachelor party to attend. I'll see you at the end of June at NL.

My old house in Columbia Station had a 4 car garage.
I miss that....:(
Welcome to the addiction! There is no known cure. I find that when I'm in the car whatever that may be going wrong in my life is merely forgotten. :eclipsee_steering: I'm living the moment and nothing else matters.

you're quite right. I forget about everything too when im in the car....but when the race ends everything is still the same.

Just like drinking when you have a problem...it may go away temporarily, but its still there when you sober up..

I prefer racing than drinking when I have a problem haha
Hell yeah:
Friday - Mostly Sunny, 72°/50°, 10%
Saturday - Partly Cloudy, 72°/51°, 20%
Sunday - Partly Cloudy, 74°/57°, 10%

Should be there around 2pm, and will be running the Twilight Test & Tune tonight. See you guys there.
Mylaps MidOhio

I would suggest contacting OVR about geting their chief to post. The upload needs to be done with the full AMB orbits data for the weekend and needs to be done from the Orbits software.

All sessions have been posted to Mylaps. Search through Neohio and you will find it. It is listed as one event.