Quote Originally Posted by JLawton View Post
Jake, I realize you've always been lucky enough to never have started at the back of the pack, :cool:
HAR har har. yea, my rocketship RX-7, you know, the one that has 44 hp less than your car!) always starts up front. Jeff, I've never started higher than the second row.
.....but you get that rubber band effect. The further back, the harder it is for everyone to keep a steady pace. You've got guys down shifting, guys realizing they're too close to the car in front, or starting to lag. This starts from the second row back, but gets magnified the further back you go. It's not done on purpose.
I know, but the poster said he knew when the green would be thrown, and laid back, then surged ...the resulting run was huge, so we know it wasn't a "layback a foot, then surge" deal. We all do that.

On edit: "You have to be fair to the others"???? Really?? I don't know about you but I will do everything I can to get an advantage as long as I don't think I'll get black flagged. If you have Crazy Joe behind you, and you know he's got a power advantage, you bet your ass I will do what I can to keep him back there........ (it never works, but I keep trying anyways!!)
I've been behind guys who surge up and back twenty feet, It's ridiculous. They're in the second or third row, by the time that snakes back even 2 or 3 rows of the 20, it's insane! If anyone needs help on the start, it's me. 105 ft lbs of torque, and no radio...but you have to try to be fair to those around you.

Best place EVAr for the huge run start: Pocono. LOTS of room. (like 10 wide room) I started 32nd of 32 there once, hung way back, timed it perfectly, and was in 12th by the first turn, with enough momentum to take me to 4th by turn 2. (Luckily, my lap times were good enough to run with the leaders, I was just starting from the back for other reasons)