EDIT - Irrespective of race length...

My point is that if a rule is ostensibly about safety (e.g., the pit stop minimum length) REALLY make it about safety. I frankly think that in many cases, the rules that get wrapped in safety rationale are about handicapping - or removing the advantage from - teams that are better equipped for enduros.

If the rules writers want to make me sit there for minutes after using my fast dry break (11 gallons in less than 6 seconds) to help the guy with Jerry cans and an unleaded restrictor, fine - but they should say that's what the rule is intended to do.

If the issue is "people doing dangerous things while refueling," then they should write the rule to punish dangerous behavior, NOT the hardware with which a car/team is equipped. I could do some very flammable things with my dump cans, and have demonstrated that we can do relatively quick, spill-free stops with red jugs - Conover Motorsport spec red jugs, anyway...