Neohio Double Regional & Pursuit Race

With the cancellation of the Bluegrass PDX, I am in.

Four of the 12 cars registered are ITC, plus Ryan and me make 6. Group 1, get home at decent hour. Sweet. It's even worth running with SM and ITB.

Ryan, you are missing your car's nickname an a snappy quote in your sig.
Andy--Finger Lakes likes those events. You measure the relative lap times of the entrants, start the slowest first; fastest last.

Pretty neat if you do not have double yellows.
I did register in ITC. For some reason I don't show up on the entry list, I have an email in to the registrar.

Which makes 5 cars in ITC. Ryan makes 6. Ahem.
I did register in ITC. For some reason I don't show up on the entry list, I have an email in to the registrar.

Which makes 5 cars in ITC. Ryan makes 6. Ahem.

oh jeez. and that just reminds me...i still have to get my entry in :blink:
im usually always early with signing up. dont know why I forgot. Its only like 2 weeks away!:026:
If you registered for this event thru DLB please go to DLB and see if you appear on the entry list.

I registered twice for this event thru DLB using paypal and both times I got a reciept from paypal but I did not appear on the registration list. A query to the registrar confirmed I was not registered. I'm not worried about getting my $600 back, I'll either get it from NEO or paypal depending on who ends up with it.

I registered a third time using pay by check and now I do appear.

Today another person registered using paypay guessed it, he does not appear in the entry list.

It seems to me that there is a problem with the dlb to paypal connection for this event (I registered without trouble for the Indy race using paypal). I have a feeling that if you registered by check, you are on the entry list, but if you registered by paypal...

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My entry makes 8 in ITC, 20 for group 1. I had the same problems with Paypal, ended up writing a check.
Jim Royal
If you go to paypal under your ACCOUNT under HISTORY you should see your original transaction and it will be in a state of "unclaimed". This indicates that the money has been deducted from you but not yet sent to NEO.

If the transaction is in a state of "unclaimed" you can click the Cancel button and the transaction will be cancelled. To register you will need to go back to DLB and register again and choose the Check option.

I wonder how many other entries are hanging out there? This could be ugly if 40 people show up on Friday thinking they are registered and the registrar has no record of them.
Lets go people!!! get your entries in!!!:026:
I was at the NeOhio board meeting last night and there are only about 30 entries total. Not just in group one, all the groups.

haha. meaning there are 20 cars in the IT group (group 1).:D
4 entries so far in ITA.
if that sticks with 4 entries, that will be the smallest ITA field I will run in.:(
Did anyone at the meeting seem to understand that there are probably more entries out there that have not been completed successfully? That there are people who have attempted to enter using paypal, have a receipt from paypal and believe they have entered but the entry was not successful and NEO has no information about the entry?

I would hate to think that the event would be cancelled because the region mistakenly believed there were fewer entries than there actually are.

I would also hate to think that we are losing entries because people look at the entry and see fewer entries in their class than are they actually are. Fortunately that isn't happening in ITC but it could be happening right now in ITA.

Not to mention the giant hassle we are going to have if a bunch of people arrive at the track thinking they are registered when they are not. Not everyone will be understanding when you try to tell them you want $300 cash when they have already paid money to paypal that did not make it to NEO.
Did anyone at the meeting seem to understand that there are probably more entries out there that have not been completed successfully? That there are people who have attempted to enter using paypal, have a receipt from paypal and believe they have entered but the entry was not successful and NEO has no information about the entry?

I would hate to think that the event would be cancelled because the region mistakenly believed there were fewer entries than there actually are.

I would also hate to think that we are losing entries because people look at the entry and see fewer entries in their class than are they actually are. Fortunately that isn't happening in ITC but it could be happening right now in ITA.

Not to mention the giant hassle we are going to have if a bunch of people arrive at the track thinking they are registered when they are not. Not everyone will be understanding when you try to tell them you want $300 cash when they have already paid money to paypal that did not make it to NEO.

I let the Assistant RE (Debbie LaFond) know yesterday and she sent an email to the RE (Duane Harrington)
I havent heard anything from Duane Harrington yet, so im going to email him this morning. I will let you all know.

I got an email back from Duane Harrington. The RE for NeOhio. He said that the region has been having continuing problems with DLB. They hope to have this corrected in a month or two.

FOR NOW: everyone interested if entering NEEDS TO CONTACT Duane Harrington

His email is: [email protected]