Quote Originally Posted by Robert Zecca View Post
I was at Lime Rock this weekend and saw about 110 Porsches worth $40-160K and no junk. Why are these guys running with these clubs BECAUSE WE BLEW IT YEARS AGO. We as SCCA NEED TO DO A BETTER JOB AND WILL HAVE TO CHANGE FOR THE FUTURE OR WE WILL BE IN THE SAME BOAT. The more participants the more costs will go down. No easy solution but it can be done.

Bob Zecca
Bob...I think that it's not entirely SCCAs fault. Sure, we have room for improvement, but there's more to it than that.

Quick story- my girlfriend was on a plane, and sat next to a guy..they chatted, and it came up that he was a Porsche owner and she learned he raced. She came back with all his info, and said it was odd that he got quiet when she asked how he did. Well, the race he said he had done the month previous was at Lime Rock, but it was October. We know PCACVR runs their LRP race in April, he didn't actually race..he did DEs. That's not the first time I've heard that, i've run into it myself. I know a couple guys who say they're "going racing" to their pals, but it's a DE.

We are seeing the marque clubs prosper because they cater to a very narrow audience. Guys who want to do DEs with other same marque guys, or guys who want to race against the same car, or one very similar. Lots of classes, lots of trophies. A 13/13 rule to protect the investment. A friend who runs PCA races avises me on my Porsche research and chukles when I remind him I won't do his "cheat" suggestion. I get the impression things are a little loose ruleswise there.

So the marque clubs are serving an audience that doesn't like the multi marque, strict rules adherance and hard racing approach of the SCCA.

Different markets. I know many of those guys just wouldn't enter an SCCA race in a zillion years, no matter what we do.

Agreed though, we can do better, and i applaud your and NNJRs efforts in that regard.