Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy Billiel View Post
Interesting the GSR would be the exact same weight before adders?
There may be more surprises for GSR owners....if they are good boys and Santa is nice.

Regarding cars "in the works", (that is, cars we have requests to reprocess) ...we've held back on those cars that have characteristics that might be affected by our refinements. Some cars however don't, and those we are trying to do.

And just to reiterate what Kirk mentioned. Some cars might not get what the owners feel they deserve, and others might get a tiny gift. None of this is F1 level science. We're not trying to balance every car in every class on the head of the pin. There will be winners and losers.

BUT, we're hoping the range between the winners and the losers is kept in check, and we want, more than anything, to be consistent.

We want you guys to have faith that your car got a fair shake, and it was the same shake as a car a year ago got, and one a year from now will get. There may be things intrinsic to certain models that result in better race cars, but we hope our system mitigates those to manageable levels.

On edit: Looks like Kirk has made my point redundant..he types faster!