I do wonder about the "club". I'm always getting emails begging me to come up, toss $3K and do a day, and they'll credit me the money to membership. And they now have many levels of membership ....I'm getting the impression that the Club isn't selling as fast as they'd like. Last I heard, after a year of accepting applications, they were just under half subscribed. I'm not sure what the business plan calls for so that might be right on target, or ahead or behind.

I also heard, and have seen when I've been up there for club days that the track isn't exactly "full" unless you consider a couple of Miatas and a Ferrari circulating "full".

Time will tell, but I have a sneaking feeling that Skip is on edge of his seat these days.

Add to that the difficulty in attracting pro races, due to the dearth of easy and affordable hotels and eating establishments, and the relative difficulty in getting there. NJMP seems to have snatched some big dates away.

I love the place, but I am scratching my head wondering if Skip is pricing himself out of the market in the long term. I think this year will be a barometer.