April 2009 Fastrack

- Format changes for CRB minutes...
- Suggesting not changing rules mid-year, only safety changes.
- They've addressed the pressurized coolant tank issue, effective 04/01. V-dubs are safe... ;)
- Restriction on driver ducting size (I assume there's a typo on the specific GCR reference in Fastrack.)
I like the new layout of the listing and the new feedback section, but I believe that the PREVIOUSLY ADDRESSED section needs to stay. It is hard to keep up with all of the changes, and someone might ask a question in different way, and removing this section might cause more work.

Also how long does it take to have a car classified, specifically a model year extension?

Re: the "How long?" question, the answer is "It depends."

Members can improve efficiency by making sure that they provide documentation to support their request (e.g., ITCS-type specs over the years involved for those new model years you want listed) but it's also dependent on what's on the ad hoc committee's agenda, and whether a given request bumps up against any other business under consideration. For example, we've had some specific "please review" items that were waitiing on clarification of procedural questions...

April Fastrack.

I see that we are now allowed to remove vent windows:

MOTION: Effective 4/1/09.
Add to 9.1.2.D.9.i, “The complete duct assembly in the plane of the window shall be no larger than 100 square inches.”
Add to 9.1.3.D.9.m, “If equipped, the vent window and its supporting structure may be removed.”
PASSED, Christian No, Sheridan Abstain

Since we are allowed to add ducting, does that mean I can replace the vent window with a cooling duct? :shrug:
100 Sq. Inches per duct is the way I read it.... Hmmmm so if I wanted to duct air to me, my camera, my back seat ect can I stick a bunch of ducts in my drivers window to improve aero.. I mean improve cooling. My answer is simply NO. I think (Which is just my interpretation) is that I could put a duct in both windows (Passenger side and Drivers side) as long as each one didn't exceed the 100 Sq. inch limitations. I don't see a reason to have multiple air ducts in 1 window...


I will probably never have any ducts. Being here in the North East we seldomly need that extra cooling :) Besides I don't want anything else that could potentially come in towards me in an accident that isn't either on the other side of a body panel or my window net!
100 Sq. Inches per duct is the way I read it.... Hmmmm so if I wanted to duct air to me, my camera, my back seat ect can I stick a bunch of ducts in my drivers window to improve aero.. I mean improve cooling.
How would that not be considered "strained or tortured interpretation"? :)
I agree that the example I gave is NOT allowed because it says the complete duct assembly. This is why in my next sentence I said "My answer is simply NO" I think the interpertation part comes into play when someone asks at what point are they considerate seperate ducting assemblies. Some may argue when they are sperated in two different windows, or 2 seperate sides of the car, others may argue that each duct that serves a different function would be considered a different assembly. I only mention this because I think that the intention`(in my opinion and I am NOT on any rules boards) was one duct per window since it does say "in THE plane of the window".

So to make it clear.. my interpretation is that I DO think that you can have one on each side of the car. up to 100sq inches each, or mulitple ducts in 1 window plane not to exceed a total of 100 sq. inches.

(The previous post had asked if it was per side.)


Sorry for the confusion :024:
I put in a few requests, and was hoping to see them in the April Fasttrack, but they did not arrive, however I did see a whole new look! It is good to see that major problems have been recognized and we are now seeing some changes.

I have to say I like the change! Not only have I recieved follow-up e-mails discussing the requests but also additional ones telling me that they are still in process and are continuing to review the requests. The other day I also recieved a call from Kevin (not sure who he is) to tell me that I might not see the results in the next Fasttrack as they are making several changes (To IT???) and thus things are a bit busy. While I would really like to see my specific needs fixed I can wait, especially because I can personaly see the start of some good changes!

Thanks to those making it happen;

Not only have I recieved follow-up e-mails discussing the requests but also additional ones telling me that they are still in process and are continuing to review the requests. The other day I also recieved a call from Kevin (not sure who he is) to tell me that I might not see the results in the next Fasttrack as they are making several changes (To IT???) and thus things are a bit busy.

Kevin is new. He replaces Jeremy, who has moved up the ladder, I think.

He's right..we're taking a month or two to do some big picture housecleaning and stabilizing of our foundation.

ITB is needing lots of attention, and some cars need lots of weight. Torque is a big issue, we're figuring out how to slap them with some major poundage.
Refresh my memory, Andy - didn't we decide that the Audi engine is basically 5\4ths of a Golf engine, so we were going to multiply the current GTI weight by 1.25 to get the Coupe's new race weight...? 29XX or something like that, right?

I get so drunk for the ITAC conference calls, I can barely remember what we do each month.

----and I suppose that since Greg's Swift Suzuki is half the displacement of the Audis that it will be assigned a weight of 14xx lbs? Yes, yes, I would like another malt beverage!
DAMMIT JAKE!!! I thought I was going to go postal on the whole CRB until I read your second post:happy204: I have enough weighty issues, thank you. Chuck