Just so you can make plans:

Given the split input from the drivers and after talking to our workers, we're going to go with a "Deuce and a Quarter" (2 hours, 15 minutes) format for our ECR race on May 30 (which is NOT Memorial weekend - Memorial Day is May 25 in 2009 and you guys should be a CMP that weekend). Cost will be $325, the same as last year's 90-minute race.

Under ECR rules this length requires at least two five-minute pit stops. Those that want to split the cost among three drivers can do so, those that want to play the strategy game on when to make the second stop (and install the ringer driver) can do so, and those that want to run the entire race solo can do so. We also may get some SRF guys to play with us since a 45 minute stint is right at the limit of what they can run per tank.

BTW - the 2009 ARRC by GRM will still have a three-hour Enduro (non-ECR).

As always, let me know if you have any questions or comments.

See y'all at the track...