Great weekend, great racing.

Saturday: WET. Wet qual, kink was crazy. Jeff McCandless got the pole, then Steve E, Steve P, Harold Corbin (E30) and Ron. Jeff got bit in the kink early and beached. Steve E. and P. had a great back and forth battle for first, passed each other several times. Hardest rain I've ever seen in a race. Finish was Steve E., Steve P., Harold, Ron.

Sunday: Damp qual, dry race. Track was slick though. I was in Ron's 260z. Qual was STeve E., Steve P., Harold, Me, McCandless. On the start I got around Harold, and Steve E., P. and me ran nose to tail for about 1/2 the race. I could get alongside Steve E. in second, but not past, great racing, great fun and the Steves were clean and fast. I spun in the kink trying to do a banzai move in 12, and Harold and Jeff got around me. E. and P. had ANOTHER great back and forth for 1st, this time Steve P. won. I got back to Harold's bumper but could not get around, finish order was P., E., McCandless (nice recovery!), Corbin, me.

BUT, the great news is the 260z ran with the leaders 1/2 the race until operator erro, and our best lap was only .3 off the fast lap of the race.

260zs can win!