Quote Originally Posted by tom_sprecher View Post
I do not need the exercise if the long term health of the category completely outweighs what current members want. I understand that logic when properly applied and that in itself is not and easy task, but as anybody who works in the public sector knows, it is usually best to give your customers what they want or they tend to go elsewhere.

Let me know.
this REALLY bugs me. i think the "public sector" (read; government) is a huge catostrophic failure because of exactly this reason. they are so concerned about "giving the people what they think the want" in order to try and win the next election that they completely ignore the long term effects. well guess what, the overwhelming majority of the american public doesn't know what the fuck is going on with the economy, hasn't the slightest clue how we REALLY got to where we are, and has absolutely no grounds to be shouting from the roof tops how we should solve the problem, but that doesn't stop them.

i'm all for the ITAC considering what the members want, but i urge them to use their own brain to make the best decisions possible for the long term health of the class.