Quote Originally Posted by Knestis View Post
Does not.

Update/backdate defines "assemblies" in such a way that, while there will be some potential for mix-and-match, we can't completely cherry pick what we do. For example, we've got to use the entire short block as an assembly. I can't put the OBDII-spec head on my OBDI-spec block. In the Volvo example, the entire block/head assembly has got to stay in one piece. If the later FI "assembly" will bolt to that head, OK. If not, too bad.

(Taking your scenario as a given, for illustrative purposes.)


I was merely stating what gets interpreted most of the time. I 100% agree that creating a model is not legal. When the GCR puts multiple models in the same spec line 99% of racers are going to take the best from all models on the same line. Its not right but we all know how racers are.

As for the Volvo, I am glad Gary clarified. I had only heard of that situation and had no personal knowledge myself.