Quote Originally Posted by ekim952522000 View Post
In regards to the 92 325 being on it's own spec line I am noticing that the 92's engines and the cars in general are much cheaper(maybe do to there less desirable engine) but it seems to me it would be nice if the 92 was on it's own spec line. Right now the 92 is basically pointless to buy and think about building do to the fact that you would have to update to all the 93 stuff.
A good example - again, presuming that's all accurate.

...and I *personally* don't think the "can't create a model" language is helpful to the whole exercise. It's way too open to interpretation, and inconsistent with how many of us think about what we're doing. If there are particular things that we do or don't want the rules to allow, we need to make sure that the rules are internally consistent, at the level of detail at which we tend to use them, to make that so. This, instead of counting on an over-broad statement to handle it.