Conover Motor Sports build, 1990 ITA Civic EX Sedan

Did you notice the thread over on The Sandbox about the RRR open track day at the end of March? $99 for the day... I'm hoping to have the car ready for a shakedown run by then. Any chance that you'd be interested in taking your jalopy down for some suspension tuning? Shultz was making some noises about running his street S2k if he's allowed. Kessler is talking about coming down with his "new toy". Should be a decent turnout and fun in the "expert/open passing" group.
Gotcha. Racing is definitely way more fun than a track day... unless you want to test out different spring/shock setups. ;)
Man, that is a good price for a test day. I'd love to go, but as Jeff says CMPing that weekend.

I wouldn't think $99 would cause a a wallet Assplosion, but I could be wrong.
You've seen my wallet.

Plus, it would be an assplosion of joy at the low price.

Wait a second, I don't like where this is going...better stop.
LOL... yep, only 64 Pounds Sterling for a track day is a steal! I finished up the bulkhead yesterday (need to cut holes for the fuel lines and wiring) but things are looking do-able for a test day next month.... assuming the Trifeca of Evil doesn't keep me from going ;)
Tanks for bringing all that to our attention Christian. I hadn't realized about the brakes. but don't worry, that's only a 50 pound adder. And it'll take months to hit the books.

I ran your car through LapSim. It came out 3-4 seconds a lap faster than a Radical.

So, looks to me it will need:

+100 Car looks too good to be a race car adder
+300 Car worked on/built by Cameron Conover adder
+100 Car is in Florida and therefore faster than similar makes and models in other regions adder (just kidding Florida guys!)
+500 VTECH Ass-whupping adder
+200 We don't like Christian adder
+250 Skateboard tape adder
+50 Just cause adder

So, looks like 2250 + 1500 equals 3750. Sounds about right!
So, looks like 2250 + 1500 equals 3750. Sounds about right!

Dear God Christian, you have a ZX now!

Hey that little ring at the trunk lock, does that release the trunk lid? I like it. Where would one find something like that, or what did you need to put it together?
I ran your car through LapSim. It came out 3-4 seconds a lap faster than a Radical.

So, looks to me it will need:

+100 Car looks too good to be a race car adder
+300 Car worked on/built by Cameron Conover adder
+100 Car is in Florida and therefore faster than similar makes and models in other regions adder (just kidding Florida guys!)
+500 VTECH Ass-whupping adder
+200 We don't like Christian adder
+250 Skateboard tape adder
+50 Just cause adder

So, looks like 2250 + 1500 equals 3750. Sounds about right!

To quote Curt: "F*ck!"

FWIW, I only aspire to have V-Attack, YO! Mine is old-skool... just like your Triumph. :happy204: Actually, funny fact, I've got larger brakes than your TR8... yeah, have fun with that. ;)

Dear God Christian, you have a ZX now!

Hey that little ring at the trunk lock, does that release the trunk lid? I like it. Where would one find something like that, or what did you need to put it together?

Yep, it's a trunk release. Cameron @ CMS put that together... pretty simple arrangement really. Take some wire with a plastic sleeve and swage it into a loop. Feed the loop out the old keyhole. I'm sure Cameron could let you know where he picked up the materials... might have been from McMaster?
Dear God Christian, you have a ZX now!

Hey that little ring at the trunk lock, does that release the trunk lid? I like it. Where would one find something like that, or what did you need to put it together?

I was thinking the same thing... Great Idea! I might have to knock that off at some point.

I was thinking the same thing... Great Idea! I might have to knock that off at some point.


We installed one on out ITA civic a few weeks ago (That it's first time on track will be this weekend in sebring.. hopefully). All ours is saftey wire, and a piece of vacuum tubing. Works like a champ! We also isntalled one in a friend of ours car that glove box handle broke. :D
Love the build, love the thought that went into the pick, love the fact it's not a Teg, CRX or Miata. Nice job all around.

Thanks Andy. I've still got my fingers crossed that it'll be as good as I think it will be (i.e. at least decently competitive in sprints). ;)

Finished up the rest of the rear bulkhead this evening and a few other small items. The list is definitely getting shorter with the only time consuming items left for me to do being the fire system and guages. Might be able to get everything knocked out this weekend :fingers crossed: