SSB Pontiac Solstice

Back in the day, I was way more apt to tilt at windmills. Now after years of trying to make a lizard swim, (RX-7 in ITA against the top dogs doesn't seem to be yielding a lot of fruit), I have discovered that, if you're going to pour money into a hole, pour it into a hole that performs.

Read that anyway you like, LOL. But the bottom line is the next car isn't going to be a "I think it can", it going to be a "I'm sure it can".

The RX-8 just won't make the power needed, and the spec weight is too high to be competitive. Trust me, I want to, but....

I'm researching other ideas, but for now, I'm just trying to wring the last second out of my old RX-7. I think there's more, and I KNOW the driver could be more well rounded, have better racecraft, be more consistent, and a better development driver.
The porsche is an S model not a S2 - I think it has some potential. I have upgraded the suspension and installed good safety equipment. I have not touched the motor or electronics yet with exception of timing belt and pulleys. The IT Festival at Mid Ohio was the 2nd time out with new suspension and only got in quallifing as we had an engine electrical fire. It seems a wire to the sensor on the power steering unit got pinched and shorted out causing a meltdown of complete engine harness. After multiple tries, I finally got the correct harness only to discover that the DME unit also was fried. Since there was no time to get one before the last events here in the northeast, we called it a season but will be ready for next year. This car is an absolute blast to drive!

P.S. Anyone want a good AS Mustang ?? Still have it .....
Oh, man, that sucks Ray! Stupid little things, eh? Well, glad to hear you've finally got it all diagnosed... better luck next year!
I've got the feelers out for an S2 but I'm really keen to see if I can find a 968. The more I research this car the more I think it's got that class dominant potential. RX8 would be the smart money if the weight comes down.

Ray - looking forward to racing you in "S" next year.
...It won't be a Solstice - Mr. Bettencourt gave me the lowdown on that car.

What's the 'low down on that car'? Tin foil hat guy in me doesn't like that statement. This thread got sidetracked off the Solstice quickly but I think it sounds pretty fantastic. The car shouldn't be that heavy, 173hp and an A-arm adder? We also know it carries weight well for some reason. Tons of room for tires and alignment, good brakes, a cam that makes power up top and a completely stout drivetrain and suspension. So, what's the 'low down'?

I remember a white Porsche 944 in Central Division some years ago. It was a for real factory Playboy Cup car, ran in ITE and was faster than stink. If memory serves, it blew up a couple of times in a season or so and I never saw the car at Mid-O or IRP after that. The owner/driver was Dale Fazekus(hope I spelled that correct) and he was a multiple runoffs winner in SS back in the day. I was told that he owned the car from new, ran it in the Playboy series, and is now just doing vintage events.
Hmmm..Solstice ITS..I have one that was wrecked. SSB nat. champion car driven by Don Knowels. I know we can make the GXP's handle in T-2. In SSB they are great, very little problems. Great brakes and very strong,reliable engines..Is this car classified yet?