
it's simple, but not entirely simple.

My personal reasons are time related. If I'm at teh track racing, there's probably somebody in my world that's pissed. So, "away" time is costly. To go to races where I'm not driving requires me to pay that cost somehow.

Secondly, i decided awhile ago that a way to "give back" to the club was to serve as a volunteer on the ITAC. it's a more managable time situation as it can be done in smaller block spread out thru the month.

Third, working races costs money, on top of the time. For the majority of NER races I need to drive 3 -4 hours to NHIS, (leave Fri night) get a hotel for two nights and return on Sunday, late.

Now, i *do* try to volunteer for odd things, and have run the info booth at Lime Rock during pro weekends and chaired events in the past, but I try to limit that to LRP. of course, NER events at LRP are nearly non existant now.

In leau of that, i try to add money to the worker fund. NNJR gave me a pack of cookies for that ...mmmm cookies!

And yes, some weekends I can help when I'm at the track, but that's not ussually the case.

Short answer Dick: Time and money. And i've managed to "giveback" in other ways, although the region doesn't benefit from that.