2009 Targa Newfoundland Rally


New member
This post is just an FYI for the IT racers across the country. Each year in September (year 8 coming up) the people of the province of Newfoundland host a 1400 mile, 6 day, tarmac high speed road rally. This rally is open to anyone that holds a current competition license. It features approx. 8 high speed stages interconnected with 9 transit stages each day throughout the week. The high speed stages range from 2 miles long to 30 miles long, all on rural asphalt roads & town streets across the province. There are over 2000 volunteers to put on this event.

This is truely an amazing hi-level televised international event. Each year 60-90 teams from California to Europe to Australia contest 9 different classes depending on the vehicle. Cars need to be street legal with full roll cage, etc. Many of the teams have no rally experience (including myself). I have been road racing for 16 years and decided to give this a try in 2003. We finished first in our class, finishing 8 overall (out of 64).

This is a must-do motorsport event at least once in one's lifetime. Most of you IT Racers do have the necessary skills required to do this event. If you are interested in obtaining more info you can check out the Targa Newfoundland website at;


you can also check out the forum at;


Rental cars are available including delivery & full support if required. I have Honda rally cars available for rent. Anyway, if anyone wants more info, post it here or check out the Targa Newfoundland website.
On my list too. I can't help but feel it should probably done sooner rather than later. I know it's in Canadia not the USofA but I can't help believing it won't be too long before someone decides it is too unsafe/environmentally unfriendly/expensive/noisy/etc. and it will cease to exist.

I'd do it ow but it is not an inexpensive undertaking, even if you do it cheaply.
I really dont know of any other place in North America that you could put on this type of event. The province of Newfoundland is quite an amazing place and the organizers did a huge amount of work and effort to make it as safe as possible as well as acceptable by the people and all levels of government. Thats one of the reasons why they need 2000 volunteers to make it all happen.

This event is not cheap. Its an equivalent to an entire race season's budget for most folks. Budget $8k (sleeping in your van) to $10K (4 star hotels). $20K gets you a nice rental race car, entrance fee, fly to & from Newfoundland, full support crew, and be King for the entire week. Beat the race the car all day long, hand in the keys and go to the Sauna & pool. Car gets the entire once over & shine each night. Do it all again for 5 days straight - VIP stuff!

We are more like prep, maintain & repair the car ourselves, sleep in the motorhome, etc....Anyway it is one of those must do at least once. Most IT cars can be temporairly modified to run Targa. Thats what I did to 2 of my ITA CRX's. Then I converted one of them back to IT and the other I converted to GT.
Just watched the replay of the 2007 on SPEED. That 914/6 learned the hard way after going too fast over a wet wooden bridge! Pretty expensive rally for a few, plus the distance to get there.

Every year there are guys that want to win this thing on day 1 and some of them have too much car with not enough talent. Monday & Tuesday stage times are pretty easy to beat. You just have have to drive reasonably aggressive. By Wed the stage base time "window" is starting to get squeezed. And by Thur & Fri that window is small and you have to drive the wheels off to beat the times. Most people take penalities from Wed on.

A smart crew wants to just beat the base time and thats it. Dont over drive the car. What that means is drive at about 90% leaving some room for error. Eventually youll need that 10% to save your a$$. Play the game smart and youll be there on Friday to grab the trophie.
Bruce.....Looks like the allwheel drive cars are a prety good compromise for the race, what with so much wet weather.

No doubt, the AWD cars do work good in the rain. This year it only rained during 1 morning. The rest was very nice weather. Ironically, of all the cars that crashed thru that guys fence in Brigus, they were all AWD cars. 6 of them in fact.

I believe the 2008 event will be televised Feb 8. Check your local listings.
tv coverage is feb 8th on TSN??? what is TSN, Does anyone have this channel? I am totally bummed as I really wanted to see it! Especially with Frank going in 2008!

It seems if you want to contend for the overall win, its gotta be the classic class, due to the softer stage time requirements. The Mitsu rally car (Andrew Comre-Picard? Canadian Rally guy) was the first new car I remember contending for a long time. I've got a basketcase 67 Camaro body shell sitting in my garage. 6.0 liter LS engine, Tremec trans, DSE front clip, lotsa brakes, about twenty five grand travel/entertainment cash, twice that much to assemble the car and six months off work to built it, and I'm there.

Plus a motorhome, preferably a nice Prevost motor coach for the 2500 miles tow. Might as well dream big.:blink:

I was thinking a guy might be smart to go volunteer to work the event before entering, just to get a feel for the whole deal.

And TSN is The Sports Network, the Canadian version of ESPN.
.....or just fly into St. John's NL and your rental race car & support crew will be waiting for you. I still have 1 rental Targa cars left. With the stronger US dollar now, things are looking much better for US folks.