What bothers me is how much weight is put on the SFI ratings.

The top 3 items people found "critical" were ease of egress, ease of driving and sled test data. The #4 most critical was that stupid SFI sticker! More than 1/3 of the respondents found that to be "critical". 1/3 or so of the market ain't buying without that sticker. At least, that is how I viewed "critical" when I took the survey.

If I was putting a device to market, I can either try to educate the masses about what the SFI is all about, try to promote another organization with a different approach (RSI) to the racers and the organizations, or I can say screw-it and make the best SFI approved device I can. Or I can do all three

Like I've mentioned on another forum. Jim, thanks for taking the time and effort. In addition to the work on this survey, for the data matrix and the moderation on the trackpedia forum.