Quote Originally Posted by pkeane2 View Post
Kirt, STU is 1.1 pounds per CC, not a lot of politics there.
The politicking is in the class's very existence. It's a solution to a problem that hasn't been clearly defined. Or maybe (a) it just hasn't been explained, or (b) I'm just slow to catch on. And to be fair, my bias - based on my experience - is that classes that get created to "give XXX a place to race" don't generally have much success. Include in that, classes that exist but get other cars catch-all'd into them.

Classes that are thought out with some kind of strategy in mind - or changes that are strategic responses to new opportunities, like the superbike-based DSR movement - hang in there.

Ultimately, I'll bet that the genesis of BP/DP can be traced back to a tiny handful of drivers who had the ear of someone with clout, and said, "Gee, I think it would be really awesome if I had a place to race this cool bastard car that I bought. Oh, yeah - and it would be a plus if I could do Nationals and get to go to the RunOffs." SURELY, it wasn't the result of someone sitting down and doing an analysis of how many ex World Challenge cars were sitting idle, and deciding that there was a better-than-even chance that they'd strum up enough of them to make a viable category.

I say this because the class was still brand new when people started tossing in other options to fill the fields - namely, IT. Now a name change. It just wasn't very well planned out, was it?