Quote Originally Posted by jjjanos View Post

Check the results... ITR didn't lap to the top-5 and only the real dogs lost two laps. Most mult-class groups see their little dog lose a lap to the big dogs in their group (see Prod, See Big Bore, See ITB/ITC). ITR wasn't the problem in that group and keeping ITR with ITA was never raised by anyone.
LOL! this is what i thought worked really well with ITR/S/A running together. the lead packs from all three classes were finishing on the same lap, but separated. leaders didn't interfere with each other. subliminal message..if you were getting lapped or messed up by another class....you should be going faster......

The fun part of the group was when the other ITR cars weren't bothering me so i could throttle back for the last few laps and enjoy watching some great ITA racing!