Jeff - You generally percieved that many wanted this new format. At the open committee it was mita, some IT and a few of the prod guys thought it was a great idea. Charlie knows I have always been against this format. Though other then the IT7 class I never felt was needed since they already exist in ITA and run competitive lap times. the groupings are what they are. It mayturn charlies race into something else. For me I might have a SS car to deal with but they dont bump and grind as bad as other classes we could have been stuffed with.

Gregg - if you think the changes are going to make MARRS more inclusive you should listen to what people are saying. Its making it more exclusive by mimicing format a lot of racers hate, in order to attract the format a lot of racers like. That does not compute in any way I see it. And if more walk away then we attract it means the region loses money and in the end they have to raise entry fees yet again. So this year I think the goal of the competition comitee should have been to ATTRACT as many drivers as possible not by ticking off a good portion of entrants that run a full season and possibly losing even more.

Marshall - It sucks, but ITR did not belong iwth ITA. It's like how NARRC stuffs ITB with ITS. I think its unfair to the slower class when you can lap all but the top 3 or 4 of the class 2 steps down.