I wish I had the magic answer to this problem. When I first joined SCCA in 65, it was my total social life. All my friends were in SCCA. I was a worker because everyone I knew was. Apparently things are not that way anymore. The new generation has other things to do. Perhaps more social events would feed the worker problem. AS to entrants: I spend 8m to 1k per weekend and I go cheap. That is rediculous. Those people with deep enough pockets to sustain that are getting older and dying off. Younger people who are starting careers and families just cant afford that.

Back in the days of Hutch, Ponca City and Lake Afton, regions did not have the track rentals to deal with. We have just about upgraded ourselves out of the market. We have too many classes. We have no spectators to help offset costs. Without some Draconian changes we are going to die.

AS to the schedule. One double regional per month, one double national per month. That is 12 races per year each, top 6 for points. That way a driver or worker can pick the events they want to go to. Drivers Schools. Must have at least one at the beginning of the season. Should be passed around to share the pain. The I.T. Tour is a great idea, but we got totally hosed at HPT. If we have 12 regionals available I.T. guys don't need it. OK, someone elses turn.