Hi guys, I'm Josh Hurley who won the championship (some of you might know me I run with Paul Ronie and David Liera alot. The cars were very underdamped as stated. At some tracks they were undersprung as well, at Road Atlanta the cars were on the bump stops through every corner. There were no adjustments except for tire pressure and even that was limited. As far as budget goes, it really is the cheapest thing going I spent about 48 k including travel and damge which is pretty unbeatable in pro racing. It's funny about them being easy to drive, I found the DSG harder to go quick with than a normal transmission due to how high the "safter" was set on the down shifts. It made you wait to down shift to prevent overrevs, but the wait was set about 1000 rpm to high, which on a diesel is quite alot. The abs was also not helpful as if you got into it, the car would just not stop well. I got to test a Rolex GT car after the season was over and found that much easier to drive. The series was very fair however as we all learned how to drive around what the car was doing.