i was working in the garage, but saw i got an email on my blackberry and had to come post it up before anyone else sends their letters. i don't know who this michael lewis guy is, but he clearly doesn't have a clue. this was in response to my letter where i said mandating an SFI spec would be ruling out the best device on the market...
Quote Originally Posted by Michael Lewis
Best device on the market? That would be surprising news to F1, Indy Car, NASCAR, etc who use the HANS device, but perhaps you’re including cost which is disgustingly high for the HANS in my opinion. Can you send me info on the ISSAC? Thx
when you send in your letter, send them data, links to the ISAAC website, etc. if this guy doesn't even know about the ISAAC then the BOD/CRB is clearly not informed enough to be voting on this issue.