Quote Originally Posted by Andy Bettencourt View Post
Dyno results are irrelevant to the discussion of the validity of initial classification. The ex-Amy SR20 is a prime example of that.
Andy, you cannot possibly make me defensive to get me to back off of this or change the conversation. If you want to reclassify the SR20 then do it, write the letter. I'll send you dyno plots for evidence. 'Course, now it seems the conversation has changed from "well it got here through this method" to "hey, others are making more than 25%, so why can't I???"

Always something...

Bottom line: you're gaming the system with the Miata, plain and simple. Just about everyone besides you and Nord believe that.

And you know what's really a shame about all this? If you classified the Miata's weight based on the correct, higher horsepower, that car is good enough to where it probably wouldn't significantly affect its performance (if at all). But you'd accomplish one big result: you'd quickly shut-the-F-up of your detractors. But you won't do it; you won't even bring it up for discussion in the ITAC. You certainly won't voluntarily race at the higher weight to prove otherwise, because you know the results.

You have an advantage in that it's apparently "stare decisis", and I suppose everyone else will just have to go eat cake...but don't think that's going to satisfy the masses, Marie.