Quote Originally Posted by brprok81 View Post
MidAm rules state that the weekend that has the double points race can not hold another points race during that weekend.
Yea - Rule 4.3 - I see that now.

Interesting - I wonder why?

I would like to see this amended - not because of where the MidAm race is in 09 but because it makes it hard on the event organizer. Just look at what occured at St Louis this year. The bonus race was in Saturday and after it was over several drivers went home instead of staying for Sunday. Not only does this hurt the event organizer with respect to entry fees - it makes for small race fields. Small race fields aren't good for anyone, especially the corner workers that have to stand around and watch. I was embarased to be in the 5 car field that finished the weekend at St Louis. And yea I did notice several looks of dismay from Grid and Corner workers as we headed out for the pace lap. For me it put a damper on was really a great weekend of racing beacuse I hate to a part of a parade race.

Times are different now. More meaningful racing must be scheduled on every race weekend. The idea that regional drivers will support a single race, let alone a single points race on a weekend is false - they won't. I have a feeling that this rule was written in a time when it could be safely assumed that regional drivers would travel for a single points race.

Time for some letter writing.