Quote Originally Posted by JeffYoung View Post
Because it is easier to do. A new car is a clean slate. Run it through and class it -- that is what gets done. Can take a while (see ITR V8s) due to arguing about subjective factors though.

What I'm scairt of is trying to do this with 300 cars. At once. To me it is just as likely that in all the noise that debate will generate -- and there will be a ton of it, all kinds of "me" noise -- we are going to fark things up as much as "fix" them.
Then just start with the top 5 active cars in every class.
When they are done do the next 5 active cars in every class.

Still don't see why this is as hard as you are making it out to be. The 'me' noise will be there regardless, is there now, so it is a non-factor.

You only mention new classifications here - since they do go through cars that are requested for review, why not act on those with 5# accuracy as well?