It just doesn't make any sense to change it to a national. The runoff hopefulls can all still come and test at a regional. All that is being done is limiting entries (and income from the event) while preventing a bunch of racers from participating.

I won't even address whether it is 'fair' for regional racers to compete with national racers. I think we all know this is a different decade than that.

The Tro CenDiv Championship excludes any who compete at the runoffs, so it will not have any impact on the regional level series points.

I am sure it isn't easy, but of course IT racers would like to not have half of thier chances to race at Road America taken away. Just speculating here that there is reluctance to run at Autobahn again due to cost and turnout, and there are only so many tracks that Nationals can run at, but after excluding IT cars from the MW RA event this year (AFTER it had been scheduled as a RR), it just looks like more of the same. That event is listed again, but is one week before the IT Fest, so ...

Yeah the short answer is I would like to see it remain a regional weekend (even though I missed it in 2008 because I had to travel for work...)