Next up - Road Atlanta 8 Hours


Next up - Road Atlanta Enduros

Ready to start now looking for codriver(s) for the NASA 8 hours (December) and SCCA 6 hours (February) at Rd Atl. Anyone interested should get in touch...



EDIT - there's two of them!
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No SFI restraint yet but if there's enough interest from co-drivers to make the east coast NASA enduros viable, I'll make the compromise. My "estate" is very familiar with my feelings re: restrictions placed on what system I can - or can't - use, though.

Hey Kirk, did you happen to read the rules for refueling for the NASA event. I think I read only 10 gallons of gas can be put in the car at any one pit stop and no dry breaks or overhead fuel rigs unless you run in one certain class. I may have read it wrong, double check me. If it is true that will stink in the fact we just purchased a rig and all the hardware for the 13 hr, or should I say 1 hr.
Hey Kirk, did you happen to read the rules for refueling for the NASA event. I think I read only 10 gallons of gas can be put in the car at any one pit stop and no dry breaks or overhead fuel rigs unless you run in one certain class. I may have read it wrong, double check me. If it is true that will stink in the fact we just purchased a rig and all the hardware for the 13 hr, or should I say 1 hr.

Kirk just runs in that class when he does NASA enduros, and chews up EVO VIIs and the like in his puny little Golf. It is quite entertaining.
No SFI restraint yet but if there's enough interest from co-drivers to make the east coast NASA enduros viable, I'll make the compromise. My "estate" is very familiar with my feelings re: restrictions placed on what system I can - or can't - use, though.

Sound like a great opportunity for a little side-by-side comparison. Egress times would be of particular interest.
Hey Kirk, did you happen to read the rules for refueling for the NASA event. I think I read only 10 gallons of gas can be put in the car at any one pit stop and no dry breaks or overhead fuel rigs unless you run in one certain class. I may have read it wrong, double check me. If it is true that will stink in the fact we just purchased a rig and all the hardware for the 13 hr, or should I say 1 hr.

Yup. Quick refueling means you're a "professional team" in NASA enduros, meaning we run the E0 (E-zero) class.

So you don't run in the E3 class.

Correct. Truthfully, there was never much competition there anyway so I don't feel TOO bad about it. When we won overall at the VIR 3 hours last year, we got the first-in-class trophy for E3 (pre-new-fuel-tank) but were the ONLY entry.

However, there's nothing to keep someone from running a GrandAm Porsche or even a DP car (don't laugh, it's happened at the 25 hours) in E0.

Hey Kirk, did you happen to read the rules for refueling for the NASA event. I think I read only 10 gallons of gas can be put in the car at any one pit stop and no dry breaks or overhead fuel rigs unless you run in one certain class. I may have read it wrong, double check me. If it is true that will stink in the fact we just purchased a rig and all the hardware for the 13 hr, or should I say 1 hr.

Thats true about the quick refueling. The classes are ES and ESR for dry brakes and fueling rigs.

We have a dry brake in our mustang at present and run ES rather than EO because of that.

The Mustang is not going to make the race. We just don't have enough time time to change the oil pan and pick up to fix our oil starvation issue. I was looking forward to trying to keep up with the Golf at Road Atlanta.
At this point, the NASA race is out for us - no renter interested and past my self-imposed cut-off, unless something really crazy happens. Next outing will be the SCCA 6 hours at Rd Atl - assuming it happens as discussed.

Yes, the 6 hour is number one on our list for the spring. I believe there will be a new Porsche 914 at that one also.