Date for 2009 I.T.SPEC*tacular set


New member
To all,

Mark your calendars! July 31st- Aug 2nd , 2009 is the date at Mid Ohio for the 3rd annual I.T.SPECtacular.

Is this for any IT car and where can I find more information about it? Sounds fun to just drive with other IT cars and I'd love to drive Mid Ohio. :)
Is this for any IT car and where can I find more information about it? Sounds fun to just drive with other IT cars and I'd love to drive Mid Ohio. :)
First, there is the PDX on Friday. Don't know if there will the the Mid-Ohio School in 2009.

Then there is the race weekend. Think 1 qualifying session and three races! What were the races last year, 21 laps for the afternoon races, IIRR.

Todd, are we going to run the Pro course this year?

Weasel Keeper, we usually post our names, so we know who we all are.

Seriously, this event is one of the two major IT events in the country. Lots of fun.
Thanks for the info!

I tried to get a signature with my name and car but I guess it didn't take. I doubt anyone knows me because 2008 was my rookie season. I did my school at Blackhawk Farms in April, ran an hour enduro at ORP (Indy Raceway Park) in July, ran a double regional at Nelson late July (rolled on Sunday...heh), and drove three 1.5 hour stints during the Longest Day At Nelson (24 hour race at Nelson Ledges Ohio) in August (finished 7th overall). I'm a mid pack driver so far, but still learning. :shrug:

I drive my buddy's (Chad Murfin's) 95 ITA ACR Dodge Neon (he has two, and he usually drives the other). This Neon was part of the Neon Celebrity Challenge in the late 90s, then ran SSB for a few years, and is now an ITA car. It's crazy fun to drive, and usually fairly competitive (will be more competitive when I grow a couple. :) ).

I've worked a corner at Mid Ohio in 2007, and went to the ALMS/IRP race there in 07...I'd absolutely love to drive there...if for nothing else but the experience.


Jay "Rollo" Jenkins
#72 ITA Dodge Neon "Snot Rocket"
Murfin Racing

**oh, now the signature works...DOH! **
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Jay. Welcome to the maddness!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to see you at Mid-Ohio next year. Ft. Wayne to Lexington does not seem like too bad a tow. No interstates - is that good or bad?
Hi Jay. We were there at BHF in April as well. I was in the white VW. There were some entertaining moments in that race. Glad to hear that it sounds like your first season was a success.
Jay. Welcome to the maddness!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to see you at Mid-Ohio next year. Ft. Wayne to Lexington does not seem like too bad a tow. No interstates - is that good or bad? said "tow". :happy204:

Chad and I still drive to the tracks and usually camp for the weekend. Both cars are so loaded there's just enough room for the driver. Lexington isn't too bad at all now. Ohio FINALLY has 30 four laned all the way to 71 from Ft Wayne. Not a bad 2.5 to 3 hour drive. Might be tough to do Road Atlanta though...heh.

Shwah, I think I remember the white VW. That was a fun weekend at BHF!

Marty, I think Chad may have mentioned you before. Your name seems familiar. He's been great giving me instruction, and I was even running right with him by the time we ran Nelson in late July...he was asking me what I was doing to get faster than him in a couple areas. ;) He wasn't my instructor at the school though. He was my crew chief. :)