Ken, good to hear from you, I am not sure about the dry breaks, in inexperienced hands they can be as dangerous as funnels, but if that is what the competitors want, I would certainly entertain the idea (it isn't up to just me), we have mandatory five minutes pit stops so speed of fueling would not be an issue. The cost is a concern, most of our drivers are not in a position to afford the equipment, even at used prices, and they are still quite expensive, I have one on my car.

I like the idea of outlawing the funnels, they create a number of problems from a safety standpoint.

SRF don't seem to have a problem, and my experience with Enterprise is that we probably can't afford that either.

I think we can (and should) solve the safety issues without breaking the bank, obviousley we should do everything possible, but the reality is that Racing is a dangerous sport and we can't make it perfectly safe, we can only be as well prepared as possible while keeping in mind that it also has to be affordable.

Ken, it is really good to hear from you and your input is always welcome, give me a call, we can talk a little trash about "you know who"
