I raced SM in the SEDIV the past two years and loved it. Having someone to race with all the time made it very exciting. However, I never liked the politics that came with the nat'l class, it just wasn't for me. Nowadays, it seems if you don't have a 99+, you're at a disadvantage in the SCCA. I had a 1.6 and it was a great car. But it simply didn't have the power/torque of the 99+. Nonetheless, you will have someone to race with if you have a 1.6, but it will be much easier to get to the front with a 99+.

As far as contact is concerned, there was some in SM, but most of my body damage came from SRFs...they give you no room in the corners!

With all that being said, I'm switching over to ITS b/c I want to run faster, and the laid back atmosphere of the IT classes suits my personality, style, and budget much better. You spend much more money in the "Spec" classes than you initially think you will. Either way the Miatas are great cars.