FNG Needs some advice.


New member
Hey y'all. Just bought an ITC Sirocco from a good friend and have some..well a bunch of questions.

Does anyone use an off season preparation checklist?

Anyone know a water-cooled VW mechanic in the Denver area?

The car came with a couple sets of about 3 year old Kumhos..are they useable? The best set had approx 7 cycles..best guess.

If not..who is what kind of tires?

Any 'Rocco people in RM region, or early VW people in general?

Thanks in advance.
Be sure to have an up to date GCR, and I got a lot of help from Dave Gran's book, "Go Ahead-Take The Wheel.
Good Luck,
You should check with Bill Pichardo at Slipstream in Boulder, although I think he gave up working on other people's race cars. He would be able to tell you the best place to take it, if he won't.

He will be able to help you out with an annual inspection and so forth.

I haven't seen very many IT VWs on the RMDiv tracks lately, but there used to be a few. Are you planning on going to Pueblo this weekend? Walk up and introduce yourself, and offer to help. Few racers aren't willing to trade advice for crew help.

I'd junk those tires and maybe see if Khumo still makes Victoracers in your size.
Thank you for the information Ty. Thats great!

Wish I could go to Pueblo this weekend..but I am out of town. But thanks for the invite. On that note..anyone in the Denver area, if you need some muscle or an extra hand, just let me know. I am out of town alot, but when I'm home I have alot of time, and am only too happy to help others.

Thanks again
You could use the tires for a test day or HPDE to shake the car down.

How recent is the log book? Did it have an annual for '08?

Thanks Carlos. :D
Just clean off the pick-up on those tires--heat gun and paint scraper--and give them a tire treatment dosing. Should make usable spares/ practice tires if not good race tires.