Quote Originally Posted by JeffYoung View Post
Mark, I enjoy seeing the Prod cars come out and think the Prod Fest is a good thing. But you have to remember this is a regional weekend, and in my (humble) opinion regional classes should be the focus. Lopping off one IT class to run with SRF and SM to make this work.....well, I respect the decision of NCR leadership (they are all good folks) but it gives me serious pause about running the race with that group. I'm sure you understand the reasons why.

That said, I've asked for a split start for ITS cars and if we get it, I'll be fine with the situation. The problem is when this happened in May, we were told to wait to ask for teh split start on race day, and every ITS driver present did so. We were then told we had waited too long.

I have no idea why there are two ECRs and a Cup race this weekend. I agree it is a lot of racing on a two day weekend. I also don't think the appropriate solution is to take one IT group -- admittedly mine -- and stick them in with SRFs and SMs. But so it goes.
Production cars are regional as well Jeff. I can also tell you after chairing a few races this year that you should be glad those extra races are added to the weekend. Otherwise you would be paying quite as bit more for your share of track time. Work with the system and get the stewards to allow a split start. VIR is a big enough track we should all string out enough to have good racing.