NARRC Run Offs

Brad, Brad, Brad..... Have you even looked at the sups?? Not good for a rookie!! :D

Andy was just showing the IT numbers. There are two different run groups for the IT cars.

And yes, the track will be very very busy. And in a 30-35 minute race, with laps in the 1:00-1:01 range, it will be dicey.

CPM Motorsports for many weeks now, have been waiting until the moon rises above the trees, and using the tom tom drums, bones of the water lizard, and the rain dance steps seen above, referred to as the "Cactus Mountain Rain Dance," have been dancing our asses off. Is the rain dance working? - You be the judge.

Oddly many of the kids in "the Hood" have taken to the rain dance and several "rappers" have put their own words to it and replaced the tom toms with the "bass thud.". Susequently, Ike appeared off the coast of Africa. The dance has gotten out of control.

It just may be working Timmah. Dance harder. :D
Well, I just got an email from Susan about the new groups. IT-7 has been moved OUT of group 4, and now races with SM in group 7. you can imagine how thrilled I am about that.

And FP, HP and some other Ps have been moved in. ITR got the boot as well.

Here's the new groups:
Please be advised that the race groups have changed based on current entries.

Group 1 = GT-L, SSM, DPP, GP


Group 3 = FA,FB,CFC, FE, FF, FM, FS,S2000, CSR, DSR

Group 4 = ITA, SSB, SSC,T3,FP, HP

Group 5 = NCF, FV, F500, FST

Group 6 = GT1,2,3, AS,T1,T2,SPO,ITE,BP,ST,EP

Group 7 = SM, ITC, IT7

Group 8 = ITS, ITB, ITR
How's about since there are 28 ITA cars registered on line we get our own group + IT7? You guys belong there anyway. :D
I actually looked at the latest listing, and most groups are either exactly 38 or within 1 or 2. I wrote back to Susan suggesting that, since this is a big race fro Regional only classes, that the IT-7 group be put back into group 4, and the FP cars go to SM. They're national, and have more options for championships, and they have a much wider spread between them laptime-wise. Both groups are at 38, and there are equal IT7 and FP drivers.

I imagine the FP guys won't like that idea, LOL. And i imagine it will be seen as whining about SMs, and fall on deaf ears, but who knows, it couldn't hurt to send an email.

She wrote back saying that she forwarded my letter to Dave Perlman.
Jeff... ITR no matter...

What would not be pretty is a situation where hood pins are sadly not asked to do the simple job that they enjoy...

Imagine and strong Saturn driver callled... say, "Jeff"... qualifying well, and looking forward to racing hard at the the front of the field.... in the rain.... with "some" visibility and WHAAAAM.... he cannot see jack. And he is at the leading or near leading edge of a freight train of people who cannot see jack. :)

Sox are in... dry will happen. simple math.
Jeff... ITR no matter...

What would not be pretty is a situation where hood pins are sadly not asked to do the simple job that they enjoy...

Imagine and strong Saturn driver callled... say, "Jeff"... qualifying well, and looking forward to racing hard at the the front of the field.... in the rain.... with "some" visibility and WHAAAAM.... he cannot see jack. And he is at the leading or near leading edge of a freight train of people who cannot see jack. :)

Sox are in... dry will happen. simple math.

But I bet this "Jeff" is almost as smart as a monky and installed the stock hood latch so it won't happen again!!
(come on, you need something new to bust on me about!! :p)
Well, Matt called in the Am, and needed me to help make my header. I had not been counting on that, and the day putting the trailer back together went out the window. or in other words, daylight was burned.

(The fact that my one, and only phone started acting up over the weekend, then was 95% inoperable by monday didn't help)

So, while you guys were gallivanting around the track, I was giving 200 bucks to Apple. The damn thing better last more than a year and a half!
how about a 102.9 by a ITB car during the test day. it was done by a big car!

Wait, so you are saying that an ITB car ran as fast as some of the best prepped and best driven ITA cars in the Northeast? Lemme does the math work on that...hmmm....:rolleyes:

Duh - driver! Congrats to Eric. Love the Volvo's, especially Phil's.

Hope the weather won't deter any fans-WCCC (great radio station for modern rock in Hartford) is giving away tickets for Saturday; would be nice to see even more than the boy scouts in town!
Right after that session I spoke with Eric and told him that I need to get him in my Prelude to show me just how high panties can go.
RAIN TIRES! Y'all gonna need paddles:blink:. Sorry to say but we're gonna sit this one out too. Too much dough for a rain race that means absolutely nothing for us. It's Timmah's fault because of his wacky rain dance. The rain Gods were laughing so hard they started to cry. The tears will get to us tomorrow evening. Looks like we're going to start getting ready for NJ in Oct. For everyone going to LRP, Kik azz and have fun. Be safe.