Mr2 Ita/b


New member
We are currently building an ITA/B first gen MR2. Has it been confirmed to be in ITB yet? or will that come out in the 09' GCR? We believe the car will be competitive against the VW's with it's better balance and superior suspenion.. the one thing that we have become very familiar with is the stupid cost for every part on this car.

With the absence of tq, and intake and header don't produce gains like you see on a honda.. What do you guys/gals think?

"Effective 1/1/09"

I think it will be a great addition to an already good class. The Corolla GTS will be awesome too, if there are any left that haven't been drifted to junk.


If they haven't they are rolling rust rockets.. another car I thought of building.. This damn FP civic is taking to much of my time.

But with the lack of tq.. do you think it will be able to compete against the VW's..
I think it will compete but it will compete differently, and in different situations. The Golf III is great climbing the esses at VIR, or going the hills at Rd Atl. The MR2 won't be great there. The Golf sucks in the long corners at Mid-O, where the MR2 will kick it in the nuts and take its lunch money...

The group of us at REJMAN Racing are out of Florida here. I figure that the car will be up front at tracks like Savanna.. Old Moroso and Kershaw The VW would probably win out.. and tracks like Sebring would be a toss up.. It will probably rely heavily on how Chip get used to his baby a few hundered pounds heavier and on DOT-R tires.. haha.
I think the MR2 will be a good ITB car, but am no way convinced it'll keep up with the Golfs in a sprint race. One area I think it has big potential is in enduro races. While I've only seen the tire wear on a 7" rim, I do not imagine it would be much more on a 6" rim and those things last forever! Same with brakes. All this giving a nice advantage in the pit race.
i had a mr2 and a corolla gts. the gts is the better car. way easier to drive and maintain. that rear engine with the tranny installed from the bottom in the mr2 stinks. i think that unless you figure how to produce power then the weight will kill it. the golf is a rocket.
Its not all about the drivers in the MR2's case. Lets put it this way, I'd much prefer to see Berran in an ITB MR2 than a Golf.
Until he preps it and drives it like he does his Golf...I know *I* sure haven't seen a built-to-the-hilt MR2. I would love to!

I love the Corolla coupes though...

WE our trying our best to build a built to the hilt MR2.. without spending all the cubic dollars. Right now it is nearly a rolling chassis. Jim Cohen did a great job on the body work and paint and we finsihed putting the engine and tranny back together. since we don't have much money for engine at the time being the motor will remain stock with 160,000 miles on it with new valve seals. (I coudlnt' believe the amount of blow by in teh intake! it looked like the entire intake had a 1/16 inch layer of axle grease) In any case we can always update that later once he gets used to the car. however we are not going cheap with teh suspension.. We are hoping to talk to Lee Grimes(sp) and order the shocks.

The three of us or atleast myself and chip planed to do run enduros with it even when it was destined to be an A-car. Just something to have fun.. Maybe rent it out to a prosche driver or two.. who knows?

"Effective 1/1/09"

I think it will be a great addition to an already good class. The Corolla GTS will be awesome too, if there are any left that haven't been drifted to junk.


I read your link, but didn't see the Corolla. Certainly mine hasn't been drifted to junk, but I don't want to run B either with different wheels and more weight, especially after 15 years in A!. Can I still stay in A, or do I have to run "ITE" to keep it as is?
I read your link, but didn't see the Corolla. Certainly mine hasn't been drifted to junk, but I don't want to run B either with different wheels and more weight, especially after 15 years in A!. Can I still stay in A, or do I have to run "ITE" to keep it as is?

The Corolla's been discussed by the ITAC as being anomalous to the current standards in A but nothing formal has been done about it. We dealt with the MR2 right before the recent wave of requests to revisit some other "outliers," which precipitated the current hold - in place while we resolve a couple of big, first-principle kind of questions.

If it's moved - which would require it stays outside the tolerance we end up applying - you wouldn't be able to stay in A.

I'd love to get some seat time in a ITB Mk1 MR2 :eclipsee_steering:

if its anything like the Mk2, they definitely handle in a, uhh, unique way... master it and you could turn some heads, even at the weight & supposed lack of power its saddled with :blink:
If your point about "unique" is about the low polar moment of inertia, then yeah - I think it is a two-edged sword. It's going to yaw (rotate) quickly and with less warning and feel than something with the weight out at the ends (a la the Audi). I think someone withe appropriately quick hands will be able to take advantage of that but an old fart like me would just spin it all over the place.

This behavior would only be aggravated in the wet: Faster yet, with a hot hand, scary as sin with old reflexes.

The low polar moment is fairly evident in the street car. The race car sould be like you said, interesting. We are having problems sourcing resonably priced suspension for the car. We know we are going to run konis. The rest of it is hard to come by. In either case since the car was not finished in time for this year the driver is more than likely going to be attending the double school in savanna in it that I think is in March?
If your point about "unique" is about the low polar moment of inertia, then yeah - I think it is a two-edged sword. It's going to yaw (rotate) quickly and with less warning and feel than something with the weight out at the ends (a la the Audi). I think someone withe appropriately quick hands will be able to take advantage of that but an old fart like me would just spin it all over the place.

This behavior would only be aggravated in the wet: Faster yet, with a hot hand, scary as sin with old reflexes.

a good seat-of-the-pants feel & quick hands are a must for certain in any platform such as this

the wet has never been that scary in my Mk2, turns from the neutral that I've tuned it for into mild understeer... seems like the front can never quite get enough grip to make things interesting. Though if your rears ever hydroplane while the front doesn't... watch out!!

again - I'd LOVE to get in a Mk1 and see what they're like, my only experience with one was a street Mk1 SC which did feel the same in the turns as my own car :)