

New member
WOW! The ATL and AL folks did a fantastic job! THANK YOU!:026:

This was my first race in ITA. Coming from DSR (albeit a slow DSR) it was a challenge for me to control the FWD CRX. Thank goodness for the practice day. I was pleased that my times kept coming down and I got to run with the fast guys on the lead lap. There were several "teaching moments" and I hope I learned well. All in all, I thought it was a GREAT weekend. Here is a little bit of the Sunday race from my windshield.

Again - Thank you ATL and ALSCCA!! Definitely a job well done.


BTW - There must have been a dozen professional-looking photogs hanging around the track. Anyone know where those pictures might end up?
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Barber Re-Cap

I sent this to all the participants and workers last night:

= = = = = =

I haven't studied them comprehensively, but our T&S people are world class so I'm confident what's on MyLaps is accurate (except perhaps for track records). I’m also certain Saturday’s results were posted before they left the track Saturday, and Sunday’s before leaving last night.

Saturday's event:

Sunday's event:

I'd like to take a moment and thank everyone that made this a very successful weekend for all who participated. After I stumbled out of the blocks Thursday evening, the team recovered well and most of those I talked to enjoyed the weekend. I take full responsibility for the scheduling screw-ups Thursday evening and can only assure you it won't happen again. We cannot have Registration and Paddock staff there the entire evening, however, so if you arrive after the scheduled closing of registration (which will most like be 9:00 PM), you need to make plans to move in the next morning.

Changes I foresee for 2009:

- better schedule coordination Thursday evening (Doofus will read the contract)
- later Registration hours on Friday during the day (until 1:00 PM)
- partial Test Days will be available for those arriving after 11:00 AM Friday
- "move-in" procedures Friday from 1:00 - 6:00 PM
- go to seven run groups (splitting this year's Group 2)
- "Last Lap" indicator for all races
- other items we need to coordinate with the track staff first

Contrary to what I was thinking at 10:00 Friday morning (when all the nasty e-mails and phone calls from outraged drivers were coming in), there WILL be a Double SARRC at Barber over Labor Day weekend in 2009 (and likely beyond). The facility is absolutely gorgeous, racers seemed to enjoy themselves, race officials were happy, the host regions (Alabama and Atlanta) worked together well in coordinating things, and (perhaps most important) Barber Motorsports Park officials were EXTREMELY pleased with the show we put on. Some pundits have suggested I write that we had more spectators this weekend than the last two Runoffs combined, but (a) that would be a low blow and (b) I'm not sure it is an accurate statement anyway. What I DO know is there were a lot of people on the hill all weekend long.

To those of you that helped make the weekend the great success that it was, I thank you for your contribution. It was a lot of fun, and all of us will be working together to make Labor Day weekend at Barber Motorsports Park a destination event on the SCCA calendar in 2009 and beyond.

Thank you, and we’ll see you at the track…

Butch Kummer
Atlanta Region Competition Director (aka - "Doofus")
Kudo's to George!! He drove great and has got a really nice car.

I didn't have anything for Parrish, Shedd, MVS and the bunch but I had a blast. I was getting used to actually having a suspension under the car for the first time. I had installed shocks and changed spring rates for this race. The car did will, and I did ok.

I still need seat time but Sunday I moved up the field a little and had a great race with Sam Collier III and a black 240sx. I got by them at the corkscrew one at a time and was then able to pull away a little. I will try to get some video up in a day or so.

Great weather, great hosts, THANKS WORKERS and both Alabama and Atlanta for a GREAT event. I will be back!
Congrats to George for finding 8 seconds a lap over the weekend and finishing 5th on Sunday :eclipsee_steering:in a "first race" car:happy204::happy204::happy204: Enjoyed talking with you..are you going to the ARRC? Chuck

Thanks for the good words and encouragement.

Butch - You guys (and gals) really did an outstanding job! I hardly even noticed the extra time on Thursday afternoon. :happy204:

Willie - that was the most fun I've ever had in a race car. You can sure drive the wheels off that Acura!!:happy204:

Chuck - While I'd love to get another race in this year, I don't know that I'm up for the ARRC. That's probably more than a novice ought to bite off for the 1st year.

Steve - It was good to put some faces with the names on the forum. I'm looking forward to finding my place in the IT family.

C Y'all next time.

Glad to hear you had a good weekend. Even though the Honda does not go as fast as the CSR, at least your brain is more likely to stay ahead of the Honda.

If you get a chance, do some rally crossing in a FWD. You will advance up the learning curve faster on thottle/brake control.

Attend the ARRC. It is no different than any other race and it has the benefit of race groups, at least for the IT cars, generally have fewer classes and therefore less speed differential between the cars.

Besides, you won't get a better spectator seat for a race anywhere.
Definitely a great job by all those involved in organizing and working the event. I think everybody had a fun weekend and it sounds like the Barber people were pleased as well, which is a good thing. The paddock seemed a lot more empty than last years race, but that was probably to be expected.

That was me in the black 240SX, Paul. It was good to have somebody to race as we were both sort of in no mans land for our classes. The six ITA cars in front of me were all 4+ seconds faster so I had no hope of staying up with them. I tried to make it a little difficult for you to get by :). I'd love to see your video.

George, don't let your "novice" status keep you from the ARRC. Sounds like you've been at it a while. If you kept up with those guys at Barber then you'll have no issues at the ARRC. Anybody can do the ARRC (that's one of the cool things about it) and it's always a fun weekend.

awsome race guys and great video.. I have never seen the back of my car from other video before... Both of you guys went by me like i was standing still.. you guys feel free to give me a push up that hill next time

Sam Collier III
That was my first time at Barber. What a great facility. Looks like a country club. Had a great time racing with David on Saturday and trying to catch him on Sunday. ATL and AL SCCA put on a wonderful weekend. Looking forward to going back. And looking forward to ARRC. Video is the 1st lap of Saturdays Group 4 race.
#75 Nissan 240SX
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GREAT video. It was my first time at Barber as well, well 1st time to race instead of work, and I really enjoyed racing with you. We had a good little battle on Sunday :)

Your video was the first time I have seen my car from another competitors video. I got a great start only to suffer brain fade for the rest of the race.

Thanks for posting. Here is my incar from the same start.


It was a good time! Wish the ITS car that got into the ITA lead battle would have gotten out of the way, but what can you do :)
