Rob, I don't disagree with you or Mark. I think the conceptual differences between SCCA (and ITO/ITE is a catchall class that, honestly, is sort of an after thought in the IT world) and NASA is pretty clear. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. My point was I wonder how much competition actually exists between the two given their distinct differences.

I've got nothing against the 8 hour at Atlanta, and wish it a ton of success. Should be a great event.

As you know, I also share your concern about the lack of a place for V8 Mustangs and Camaros in existing "regular" IT classes. I think it is a huge hole we have to fill. Your car still, in my view, exceeds the performance potential of ITR, but maybe the next class -- which will have to come at some point -- above R will allow the "modern" Mustangs and Camaros a place to run. In fact, I think your car is a perfect NASA car and a "bad" SCCA car (at the moment) for precisely that reason -- you built (or bought) a car to race, not to race in a particular SCCA class.

Classic NASA/SCCA difference I think.

Quote Originally Posted by Cobrar05 View Post

I see your point of view, but as a Mustang racer its the opposite. If I build a Mustang race car based on OEM technology from more than the last decade, I don't have a real SCCA option.

I mean unless I run ITO/ITE which last time had me racing against an SPO like car running 2:04's on the full course at VIR or World Challenge Corvettes and Vipers. An SCCA version of frankenclass.

At NASA I can race my Mustangs in enduros where in the SCCA I only occasionally get a class waiver to allow me to run an ECR.

I race where I am invited. I will run both ECR's at VIR in October and the Enduro at the ARRC. I will also run NASA enduros because I can.

If you don't like NASA or you don't want to race, that's ok. Its an 8 hour race at Road Atlanta. Its a new event that we have none of on the east coast that I know of. We have a couple of 12 hour races and a 24 at ledges, plus a bunch of 3 hour races. We have nothing beyond the ARRC 3 hour at Road Atlanta and nothing in the 8 hour range at all.

This is just an invitation. Just like any party invite, you don't have to use it.