Quote Originally Posted by joeracerx95 View Post
. I would also suggest to the rules makers to please minimize condescending treatment of the people making the suggestions because maybe you don't see the whole picture all the time either. For reference please see "Bizzaro World ITCS." as an example of treating people who are trying to make honest efforts to improve things as nothing more than idiots worthy of public ridicule.

I think Kirks intent, and I should probably leave it to him to explain it, but.....wasn't to publicly ridicule people for having honest suggestions, but more as a method of illustrating the slippery slope, and how easy it is to travel great distances down it in relatively small steps.

I also think he wouldn't mind showing the world the sometimes selfish requests that are received.....it's a reminder that personal interests are often at the core of, or at least involved in, many requests. That's not always a bad thing, but if the guy next to in grid you shows up with all lexan instead of glass, and it's a spec line allowance, you'll be less than pleased I bet. (actual request, IIRC)