Only incident I've had to date (knock on wood) were single car spin-outs. One time I kicked up dirt on the track at a high speed corner. Ralph Warren went off track to avoid me and tore his splitter off. I didn't know about any of this as it was obsured by the dust cloud. Mike Mills came over and told me about his torn splitter, and I went straight over and appologised and offered to help. I got an invatation to come over for Margareta's that evening. We do this for fun, and bowling trophies, crushed panels and possible injuries or killing someone aren't worth it to me. I leave it to the pro's for that kind of entertainment. So when I'm with others around me I drive very much mindful of that. I look at it as a high speed chess match, or how can I use my advantage with out giving away my disadvantage? If that means planning and executing a pass over several corners then so be it.
