Last July I was t-boned in turn 7 at Road Atlanta by a ITS Porsche 944. My car was torn up. I think he totally screwed the pooch, and having watched his in car video as he showed it to the stewards during my protest......I was further convinced. My car was tagged and forced into a innocent bystander, a Fiero going around the outside of the corner. He and I spoke at the protest and I apologized for the damage caused to his car even though I don't feel it was my fault. I never once had the opportunity to speak with the 944 driver since he never felt it appropriate to seek me out and speak to me about it, after the incident or at the protest. It was difficult for me seek him out as I sat on the wall for the rest of the race waiting for a flatbed (the motor blew up on the next lap). I thought is was totally classless. So now I have a new approach. You hit me like that, and don't come over and argue it out with me, and I make it my life ambition to punt you off the track at every chance I get. A bit harsh maybe, but I am sick of having my car torn without as much as a "screw you".