At the rate we were going with monies coming into the track and entries being way down, we're probably 35% under normal revenue for the year. At that rate, the track would likely have closed outright within two years because the money just isn't there for improvements. I'm looking at the future with mixed feelings. On the bright side, the track will be completely renovated and new buildings erected. It has a huge potential be be as good or better than Mid-Ohio when it was redone. The facilities are going to be first class and the track will be repaved and widened. On the other side, smaller events may be a part of the past because they will be cost prohibitive to the smaller groups. The flip side to that may be that the smaller groups will get more entries due to it being a first class facility. SCCA races will increase in car counts due to the track surface being better for formula cars. And the plan is at this point to have the "more interesting" races such as MARRS, the WOR Games and the Longest Day with more to follow.

At this point, as with the past, we are still working hard to do the best as we can with what we have to work with. Sure, the track may be rough in some places, (I finally found my braking point for turn 12 with the new Mazda), but I grew up at the track and will always call it home as well as the racers and workers being family to me.
Thank you for my say and I hope to see you on the track for the final year of Nelson as it is now.