Any thoughts on a 914 2.0 in ITB???

Oh Jeff my man, no offense but I am not interested in that book as i have found the bible of 914 fuel injection! The good book can be found at They have what basically amounts to a freaking plug and play ecu that does away with the late 60's D Jet ECU and they in conjunction with a well know air cooled engine builder have a kit just for this car! With the new sensor, harness and ECU rule this thing may actually fall in my lap..... The old girl is not looking too bad in the morning !
They say this in the description:
" Another added benefiot for D jet engines is the removal of the MPS that can be problematic and VERY expensive to replace"

What is the MPS?
They say this in the description:
What is the MPS?


It is indeed the MAP sensor... Manifold pressure sensor and the particular unit used on 914's was developed just before color tv and just after man invented the light house....

Rebuilt one's go for $300 today........... GM MAP $30... Priceless