Quote Originally Posted by Andy Bettencourt View Post
Trav - the members wanted Spec tires. Weights change every year in classes that allow comp adjustments, compliance fee added because members wanted a more in depth tech, cam specs never CHANGED, they just got published. These changes aren't a result of a class going National, they are a result of member driven input, just like in IT.
cam specs did change in the middle of the 2006 season.

actually, i think the changes are a result of going national, it's just not as easy to see. if it wasn't for the whole national thing, you wouldn't have people pushing the envolope to and beyond the limit, and i'm sure this will be a controversial statement, but i think people care less about compliance in a regional series.

the compliance fee happened as a result of the $7000 motors and crazy development of everything on the car creating huge gaps between the regular guys and the fat wallets. this gap led to the perception of cheating and everyone calling for more tech, and we ended up at the compliance fee (which isn't working for sh*t).

the changes may be driven by member input, but the member input would be different if it wasn't a national class.

and now to get out the tin-hat....we wouldn't have the whole clusterf*ck of 99+ cars in the class if SM wasn't predestined to be National from the start. ya know the 5year rule in IT? i wouldn't count on that sticking around. remember, the CRB can still do whatever it wants above the ITAC, and Albin can't stop it by himself.