It would also be a good individual exercise to dig into your division's National calendar and dummy up a schedule of what we each think we might do, were we to consider a "National" run.

I'm left thinking that there are - broadly speaking - going to be two major ways of looking at this puzzle: From the perspective of current IT entrants and from others. While there are undoubtedly going to be a bazillion smaller ways that current entrants are going to respond (we all have different interests, expectations, and opinions), there MIGHT be some big concepts that we as a community can agree upon.

For example, I can imagine a statement that defines as a position our collective interest in the discussion ONLY if we've been satisfied that the National program has made a good faith effort to get its house in order first: If IT is being used as a solution to problems that current national class/category entrants aren't willing to solve for themselves, or that require decisions that are politically/organizationally too difficult for the committees and board to deal with, then that's a first-order issue that needs to be worked out.

Question Number One in response to opening this discussion needs to be, "What current problem is the possible move to National status intended to solve?"