I just don't see anything broke about IT that this would fix.

What's broke that needs fixing about the Club Racing program, well, I think everyone here sees it, though there are differing views about how to address it!

So you gotta ask yourself, why is this coming up now, and is it something you wish to get on board with.

IMO, I think that eliminating the National/Regional distinction is long overdue, and the appropriate plan of action (to address the problem). That said, I agree with the other camp - I just don't believe this is something that is going to improve my racing experience in any way. Every year, as it is, I'm on the fence about re-upping and committing to a "full" season - this might make it even harder to pursue. God knows I'd love to put together a program to get to the National Championship, but last year gave an insight as to how expensive that can be; having to run a whole mess of "away games" to even qualify would only make it worse...