Andy - At the NARRC Banquet, I do remember you mentioning of "top 3 in points" qualify for the Money Fund, but I have no recollection of "we are abolishing the fund", being mentioned - Did I miss that?

It looks like we sent out 90 checks last year for 2007. Since this group of 90 are very representative of drivers contributing to the Money Fund (by that I mean we are registering for many of the events and accumulating points to qualify for the money), they are probally very representative of the "mind set", to continue the fund or not. Did anyone reach out to he group of 90 (the biggest NARRC supporters) for their input?

I beleive that at least 2 drivers from ITA (1/3 of the money fund drivers) were not represented at the first meeting. I got to the meeting late - don't recall the ground swell for "no more money fund " being mentioned, and other than the NARRC Banquet, do not recall a summary of "action points" being shared with the larger group - I certainly didn't hear "no money" at the Banquet - Did I miss that too?. This was the only summary I was aware of.

Not to step on K_Anderson but the NARRC Championship Trophy's that I have are awesome already - Just a pain to keep polishing .