The reason I posted all of those links is because there was PLENTY of opportunity to know that the NARRC committee was interested in your opinion. Heck, you could have watched the whole meeting on video and weighed in. You could have also so that they recruited volunteers that night and many people stepped up.

The reps are 'drivers advocates'. We just relayed the majority desires of the members who cared to provide feedback. The NARRC committee makes teh decisions. The net of the decision was such:

Pull back the payouts and put the money into significantly better trophies and spend some money on the promotion of the series. How they implement that is up to them. I hope they do a good job.

Trust me guys, I probably got the 2nd largest NARRC check last year (SM #1) and it was nice. I have a bit to lose (~$500) but most drivers said it wasn't important to them in terms of driving their dollar to racing or the prestige of the series. If this is a real problem, write the committee.

And here comes the preachy part. Get involved when asked or don't get THAT upset when things are not to your liking. I may not be 100% ok with how certain things turned out, but my voice was heard. No decisons were made at that LRP meeting, just the infrastructure laid out and volunteers taken - and the info was readily available.

On the $6 - Since I am not in charge I can only hope they do right with the money in terms of their goals (trophies, expenses and promotion). If not, it should be the first item on our list of 'fixes' for 2009.