Quote Originally Posted by rhygin View Post
I have tried to cut a cool screen shot from the T3 360... but cannot see to do it. Is there a program that I should try and use to "pull" a screen shot from a video clip. The video clip should be good!

We don't want no stinkin' screen shots, we want the video!!!!

Actually, I need to see it to figure out how the hell Dick did it!! We were wrapped up in watching Joe's battle, that by time i looked, Dick was stopped dead, pointing in the right direction. But this was about 3/4 into the braking zone, in a straight line and not after the apex like the usual spins in 6.

Of course, that same race we saw a well known red car come up over the dunes in the area between 9 and 3. Very, VERY interesting.....and entertaining!!!