Quote Originally Posted by Ron Earp View Post
I'm trying to make my 260Z as legal as possible. It has always been "mechanically" legal but I've got missing pieces I'm trying to round up. I'm looking for:

*The air scoop thing that connects a front firewall to the side wall of the car on the right side. This piece supplies air to the cabin, but when it isn't in place more air gets into the engine bay. For now I'll tape the hole up.

*Bumper blocks, this big rubber/plastic things on the bumpers. I don't have them and the ones I did have fell apart when putting my new front bumper on after my CMP shunt. Plastic things with a metal backing plate. Mine have been missing on the back since I bought the car.

If anyone has these bits I'd be happy to buy them off of you.

Z Car Source of Arizona has new replacement parts, but they are temporarily shut down while they move to a new facility. Following is a link to their website:


I've got to get them for my car as well.